Here are the top 10 forms of unhelpful comments. “Unhelpful” means either they don’t aid in understanding the program, or they actively obscure understanding of the program. Drum roll, please:

10. Obligatory Comments

** Destructor
** Purpose: Empty

9. Automatically Generated Version-Control Logs

8. Comments Which Name Language Constructs

// Forward declaration
class CFlarpDiddler;

7. Direct Translations of the Next Line of Code

void StringLikeClass::ensure_nul_terminated ()
    // Make sure we don't overflow our allocation
    if (len+1 > allocated)
	// Get new Memory
        char *newp = new char [allocated+1];

	// zero new memory
	memset( newp, 0, allocated+1);

	// Debug Check
	assert(newp != NULL);

	// Copy in the old data
        memcpy (newp,data,len);

	// remove the old pointer
        delete[] data;

	// Set the internal pointer to the new allocation
        data = newp;

        // increase allocation by 1

    // Put on the NULL
    if( data)
        data[len] = '\0';

6. Comments Which Belong In Version Control Logs

// -JMF 2008-10-01

// TPS#907445

5. Restatements of Constant Values


#define TIMEOUT 10000 // in milliseconds


#define TIMEOUT 30000 // 7 seconds

4. Comments With the Wanderlust

** Method         BuildRequest
** Purpose  :	Compose packet to process the transaction, and get response
string AnonymizedClassName::fillLeft(const string str, const int& len, char c)

    public void sendMessage(IMessage argMsg) {
        if (conn != null && conn.isActive()) {
            //This really shouldn't happen.
            conn.sendMessage ( argMsg );
        } else {
            throw new Exception ( "Connector unavailable or inactive." );

3. Commented-out Code

2. Summarizations of Well-Named Objects

	// Receive event
	HANDLE m_evtRecvEvent;

	// service Id
	std::string m_sServiceId;

	// Returns the Attributes Structure
	virtual HRESULT GetAttributes(ATTRIBUTES *stAttrib, int *iStatus);

	// Disconnects from the Host
	virtual HRESULT Disconnect(long *iStatus);

1. The Single Comment

There is a rule that if only one comment appears in a file with more than 500 lines of code, the comment will either be 1) the (original) name of the source file, or 2) completely irrelevant.